Thursday, July 30, 2015

The False God of Choice in the Culture of Death.

                                           Facebook Placard that inspired this piece

Really this is a purely American idea, which is not supported by the facts. Circumstances as well as many other variables dictate more than choice. This is the language of the culture of death that we are creating in the USA as well as much of the west. All things are reduced to choice, including a person's very existence. With the legalization of abortion and it's expansion past the first trimester and even outside of the womb, the culture of death is defend. The culture of death is the flip side of the idea that everything is based on personal choice and tolerance runs rampant past justice. A person is no longer a gift from God, but a choice in the culture of death. He/Se grows up with this idea that I am special a was the one my parents chose to bring into this world. There is me and Jenny. The other two of our siblings were not chosen. too bad for them. A family becomes then parent(s) and the children who were chosen. This bleeds into all aspects of society. It is simply not true. The facts do not support it. Everything in life is not a choice, save for the spiritual entity we choose to serve.

Using this choice mentality  that ignores circumstances, the actions of others. So these children in the video are making a choice for poverty and starvation. Circumstances, their lack of food where they were born even their births were alll their own choices. Not to mention the choices of those who could end this poverty, but simply choose to live another way. These children were not brought into poverty by their choice, poverty is not a choice nor is wealth. Many are born into privileged including most in the United States. We use the idea of choice to promote and  exalt on the one hand and ignore and belittle on they other. Almost daily we see laws against feeding the homeless, we see benches set up so that people can not lie down and rest. This is the culture of death promoted by the dictator the tyrant of choice.

Choice actually plays a very small role in life. We have one choice what God to serve the god that promotes the culture of death, or the God who spoke in Matt 25:31-46:

The Judgment of the Nations.*31f “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit upon his glorious throne,32g and all the nations* will be assembled before him. And he will separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.33He will place the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.34Then the king will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.35h For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me,36naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.’37Then the righteous* will answer him and say, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink?38When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you?39When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you?’40i And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.’41* j Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you accursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.42k For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink,43a stranger and you gave me no welcome, naked and you gave me no clothing, ill and in prison, and you did not care for me.’44* Then they will answer and say, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or ill or in prison, and not minister to your needs?’45He will answer them, ‘Amen, I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.’46l And these will go off to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”

One is the god of choice that promotes a culture a way of life that is a lie and that leads to death, the  Other The God of Truth.

"By abortion, the mother does not learn to love, but kills even her own child to solve her problems. And, by abortion, that father is told that he does not have to take any responsibility at all for the child he has brought into the world. The father is likely to put other women into the same trouble. So abortion just leads to more abortion. Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want. This is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion." - Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta
National Prayer Breakfast in D.C., 1994


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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Controlling Our Indoor Environment

In addition to eating well -- organics to avoid GMOs.  It is important to control our indoor environment.
Indoor air pollution is a significant hazard in a modern home. 

From the EPA on the  effeccts of indoor airpollution
Immediate effects may show up after a single exposure or repeated exposures. These include irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat, headaches, dizziness, and fatigue. Such immediate effects are usually short-term and treatable. Sometimes the treatment is simply eliminating the person's exposure to the source of the pollution, if it can be identified. Symptoms of some diseases, including asthma, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and humidifier fever (PDF), may also show up soon after exposure to some indoor air pollutants.

As can be seen many ailments can be traced to the effects of indoor pollution. 

Indeed, studies of human exposure to air pollutants by EPA indicate that indoor levels of pollutants may be 2 to 5 times – and occasionally more than 100 times – higher than outdoor pollutant levels. Indoor air pollutants have been ranked among the top five environmental risks to public health. The problems they cause can be subtle and do not always produce easily recognized or immediate impacts on health.

So, how do we control indoor air pollution? Regular cleaning of the air ducts is essential. AQB Heating and Cooling in Canoga Par, Ca. specializes in cleaning ventilation systems.

AQB has been a primer hearing and cooling provider in the southern California area for over 20 years providing excellent service and thre most reasonable price. 

AQB AIR uses the reverse HEPA filtration system to completely and thoroughly clean the air ducts. This is a state of the art method. It is the most effective way to clean air ducts of any type without damaging them.

AQB's certified technicians attache the HEPA filtration system to the large vent on the main trunk line, usually the one closer to the furnace.   The technicians then adjust the remaining vents until all of the dirt dust pollen are removed from the main trunk line and all the tributary ducts in the system. The dirt dust grim pollen etc., is similar to what one would find in a vacuum cleaner bag but multiplied by the square footage of the home.  This mess is removed including any dust mites is removed from the home's ventilation system where family and friends can breath it and placed in environmentally safe containers and properly disposed of.  By the way the dust mite is a leading cause of asthma and other breathing disorders, and about 42,000 of them dwell in each once of dust found in the air ducts.

Once the contaminants are removed from the ventilation system and disposed of, the technicians will blow fresh air through the dual HEPA filters thus filling the ventilation system, and the living space with healthy, safe, fresh, clean air to breath.  This should be good for 6 months, but I like to have it done every month to insure indoor pollution is under control. Besides I don't like the looks of those dust mites let alone the thought of them doing what dust mites do in my lungs.

We are what we breath, and we can completely control our indoor environment while we work on controlling our outdoor environment.  Air duct Cleaning is an essential aspect of AC and Air Conditioning Services in order to not just control the temperature but the quality of the air that we breathe

AQB – Air Conditioning, Heating and Solar Panels

Air duct cleaning is life affirming.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Creating an Environment of life in the Culture of Death

The recent shootings in New town Connecticut, got me thinking.  As with many of us it is not enough to be applaud.  What is happening to our culture to our society and what can we do about it.  Are these sorts of things that seem to be happening now not just on our streets but in our schools to be the price we pay for freedom.  I am talking about the second amendment to the US Constitution. In this amendment we the people are guaranteed the right to keep and bear arms,  It is true in this country therefore, that guns are not going to be banned.  This begs the question how do we live within this culture of death, New town shootings being just one example while maintaining a culture of life.  it .

The personal being political this blog is intended to be very broad.  it will touch on all aspects of our culture all of our values and how we can implement them our values within a society of death that appears to by suffering for from a malaise but a mass form of insanity.  Some may disagree with these posts, but hopefully all will ponder them.  some may think some posts are trivial, for example I plan to start with a recipe -- what I ate today and how all of our habits are a life and death choice within a culture that supports death as a reasonable option.  the Constitution insures the right to life and yet throughout out history in the United States we have had to fight for even this basic right with the forces of the culture of death.  I for one will not stand ideally by will this force seems to be winning.  So what can we do and how is my recipe a life or death choice and how does it support and environment my own environment the one I decided on just how does it support life.

So today I started with some beans -- pinto beans, Cadia brad organic pinto beans.  These were soaked over night in the refrigerator where I live in tap water.  the beans were placed in a pan with more water and set to boil.  After reaching the boiling point, the heat wax set to let the beans simmer.   I did not get a photo of the finished product yet to show.  This shall be rectified for future posts.

Next I cut the vegetables. Green peppers, red peppers, and a red onion.  This recipe is for one person but you can adjust the volume the ingredients and their cooking shall be focused on here.  Zucchini is next washed and sliced. There is something self nurturing about preparing a meal.  I could have gone up to the local fast food joint and had quickly prepared food put in paper bags with designed containers and prepared just as everyone else has them, or I could have simply walked up to the corner 7/11 store for a couple of slices of pre-prepared pizza.  Emm I have always loved pizza and at a dollar a slice.  I could have been finished with my meal before I was home. Or I could as so many do dined in my car.

But how do those choices which might be seen as self nurturing be seen as supporting an environment of life.  Corporate food is yummy.  I have nothing against corporations.  No this is not a site for anti-corporate raging.  Like everyone else in the culture of death corporations are made of people and as a collective they make either life affirming choices for us all or choices that line them up with the culture of death.

So, the zucchini was sliced and the slices halved.  What next?  Well tofu.  Bean curd cake soy protein.  This was super firm organic as were all the ingredients to this point and seasoned.  Organic super firm garden seasoned tofu from the local "brown rice" store Follow Your Heart.  I prefer to go to this local smaller store rather than one of the larger health food chains such as sprouts -- there is one close by -- because well they have what I want organic pinto beans fruits and vegetables and it is the only place I can find this particular form of tofu.  Anything else to be added.  Not at this time. Oh yes a clove of organic garlic to chase the blues away.

Socking the beans for 24 hours is essential to ct the cooking time otherwise they would take three or four hours to absorb the water that makes them tender and edible unleash you prefer the and crunchy variety.

I prefer to eat organic, and I believe this to be life affrming rather than death affirming.  Question are genetically engineered foods life affirming or death affirming?  And how can one guarantee since there are no labeling requirements that one is getting food that is not genetically engineered, since those who make them well corporations are not required to label who the are produced.  To me the only way to surely get non-genetically engineered food is to eat organic only those foods certified by the government to be organic can be guaranteed not to be genetically engineered.  Again this is not a site for ranting against the government either.  Like corporations they are made up of people People who make decisions some life affirming descions and some decision that support the culture of death.  I do not think that genetically engineered food is life affirming.  You may disagree, and I would love to hear how not just that genetically engineered food is not harmful or ok or nothing wrong with it but please how does eating producing genetically engineered food support creating an environment of life?

So the cut organic vegetables are placed in with the simmering beans.   These should take an hour and one half to complete the cooking process and be pleasant to eat.  To make them a little more pleasant to taste I did dd some pico de Gallo some chili powder and some salt as they were cooking. About on half hour before the beans were to be ready I set two cups of water to boil again tap water and once boiling I added one cup of the obligatory organic Cadia lng grain yes you guessed it brown rive.  When set to simmer the rice pan was covered for thirty minutes.  Of course at twenty five minutes I like to turn off the heat under the rice completely.

Prior this I prepared the tortillas.  These were unfortunately not organic, but they will do for now.  Mission brand I believe.  To these two tortillas were added four rather thin slices of vegan gourmet mozzarella.  this is a non-dairy soy product that is used in place of cheese it is yummy and has the added value of not cumming from a genetically engineered animal that is shot up with hormones anti-biotics and treated well in an abusive manner.  Of the preceding characteristics which ones support life?  Which ones support a culture of death and how do they support such a culture. The tortillas and garnish were placed in the micro wave for one minute.

Ok everything is now ready.  spoon the beans and vegetables on to the tortillas and vegan gourmet spoon the rice on top of it all roll the tortillas in burrito fashion.  Too much rice you might say.  Well put the rest in the fridge for tomorrows meal.  I eat once per day and find this to be not only life sustaining but yummy and satisfying.  You?  so wrap 'em up put any left over beans on the top of the burritos, call the kids that's a wrap.

The phrase culture of death comes from the pro-life movement, and while I may disagree with many of their methods I do not disagree with their goal/  Is there do you think a connection between our seemingly tolerance of shootings in our schools and the abortion of 300,000 human beings each year? Which of these is life affirming?  What kind of attitudes have we adopted and allowed to  flourish since Roe v. Wade?  How has the country changed since then?  Are we more life affirming or have we become on a continuum more of a culture of death more sensitized to atrocities?